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Zenith-Chan-bot讨论 | 贡献2024年2月17日 (六) 20:43的版本 (Auto Gen)
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本页面可作为一个经过本地化处理的 API 手册,但不包括方法和部分对 JSON 模组没有意义的字段。



继承自 Object
所有在 ContentLoader 中加载的内容的基类

名称 类型 默认值 注释
id short
minfo ModContentInfo new ModContentInfo() 关于加载此内容模组的信息


继承自 Content


继承自 MappableContent

名称 类型 默认值 注释
localizedName String 本地化的正式名称。永不为null。如果在 bundle 中没有找到则设置为内部名称
description String 本地化的简介及背景。可能为null
details String Localized description & details. May be null.
alwaysUnlocked boolean false Whether this content is always unlocked in the tech tree.
inlineDescription boolean true Whether to show the description in the research dialog preview.
hideDetails boolean true Whether details of blocks are hidden in custom games if they haven't been unlocked in campaign mode.
generateIcons boolean true If false, all icon generation is disabled for this content; createIcons is not called.
iconId int 0 Special logic icon ID.
selectionSize float 24 How big the content appears in certain selection menus


继承自 Object

名称 类型 默认值 注释
lifetime float 50.0
clip float 0.0 Clip size.
startDelay float 0.0 Time delay before the effect starts
baseRotation float 0.0 Amount added to rotation
followParent boolean true If true, parent unit is data are followed.
rotWithParent boolean false If this and followParent are true, the effect will offset and rotate with the parent's rotation.
layer float 110.0
layerDuration float 0.0


继承自 Object

名称 类型 默认值 注释
display boolean true If false, this ability does not show in unit stats.
data float


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color d1efffff
healthMultiplier float 0.2
z float 110.0


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
damage float 1
reload float 100
range float 60
healEffect Effect heal
hitEffect Effect hitLaserBlast
damageEffect Effect chainLightning
shootSound Sound spark
statusDuration float 60f * 6
x float
y float
targetGround boolean true
targetAir boolean true
hitBuildings boolean true
hitUnits boolean true
maxTargets int 25
healPercent float 3
layer float 001
blinkScl float 20
blinkSize float 1
effectRadius float 5
sectorRad float 14
rotateSpeed float 5
sectors int 5
color Color heal
useAmmo boolean true


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
radius float 60 Shield radius.
regen float 1 Shield regen speed in damage/tick.
max float 200 Maximum shield.
cooldown float 60f * 5 Cooldown after the shield is broken, in ticks.
sides int 6 Sides of shield polygon.
rotation float 0 Rotation of shield.


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
liquid Liquid water
amount float 120.0
radAmountScale float 5.0
radScale float 1.0
noiseMag float 6.5
noiseScl float 5.0


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
liquid Liquid
slurpSpeed float 9.0
regenPerSlurp float 2.9
slurpEffectChance float 0.4
slurpEffect Effect heal


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
minVelocity float 0.08
interval float 3.0
x float 0.0
y float 0.0
rotation float 0.0
rotateEffect boolean false
effectParam float 3.0
teamColor boolean false
parentizeEffects boolean false
color Color ffffffff
effect Effect missileTrail


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
damage float 35 Lightning damage
chance float 15 Chance of firing every tick. Set >= 1 to always fire lightning every tick at max speed
length int 12 Length of the lightning. <= 0 to disable
minSpeed float 8 Speeds for when to start lightninging and when to stop getting faster
maxSpeed float 2 Speeds for when to start lightninging and when to stop getting faster
color Color valueOf("a9d8ff") Lightning color
y float 0 Shifts where the lightning spawns along the Y axis
x float 0 Offset along the X axis
alternate boolean true Whether the spawn side alternates
heatRegion String "error" Jittering heat sprite like the shield on v5 Javelin
bullet BulletType Bullet type that is fired. Can be null
bulletAngle float 0 Bullet angle parameters
bulletSpread float 0 Bullet angle parameters
shootEffect Effect sparkShoot
parentizeEffects boolean
shootSound Sound spark


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
percentAmount float 0.0 Amount healed as percent per tick.
amount float 0.0 Amount healed as a flat amount per tick.


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
amount float 1
reload float 100
range float 60
healEffect Effect heal
activeEffect Effect healWaveDynamic
parentizeEffects boolean false


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
radius float 60.0 Shield radius.
regen float 0.1 Shield regen speed in damage/tick.
max float 200.0 Maximum shield.
cooldown float 300.0 Cooldown after the shield is broken, in ticks.
angle float 80.0 Angle of shield arc.
angleOffset float 0.0 Offset parameters for shield.
x float 0.0 Offset parameters for shield.
y float 0.0 Offset parameters for shield.
whenShooting boolean true If true, only activates when shooting.
width float 6.0 Width of shield line.
drawArc boolean true Whether to draw the arc line.
region String If not null, will be drawn on top.
offsetRegion boolean false If true, sprite position will be influenced by x/y.


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
amount float 1
max float 100
reload float 100
range float 60
applyEffect Effect shieldApply
activeEffect Effect shieldWave
parentizeEffects boolean


继承自 Ability
Spawns a certain amount of units upon death.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
unit UnitType
amount int 1
randAmount int 0
spread float 8.0 Random spread of units away from the spawned.
faceOutwards boolean true If true, units spawned face outwards from the middle.


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
duration float 60
reload float 100
range float 20
onShoot boolean false
applyEffect Effect none
activeEffect Effect overdriveWave
effectX float
effectY float
parentizeEffects boolean
effectSizeParam boolean true


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
reload float 90.0
range float 200.0
orbRadius float 4.1
orbMidScl float 0.33
orbSinScl float 8.0
orbSinMag float 1.0
color Color a393feff
layer float 110.0
x float 0.0
y float 0.0
particles int 15
particleSize float 4.0
particleLen float 7.0
rotateScl float 3.0
particleLife float 110.0
active boolean true
particleColor Color 665c9fff
applyParticleChance float 13.0


继承自 Ability

名称 类型 默认值 注释
unit UnitType
spawnTime float 60.0
spawnX float 0.0
spawnY float 0.0
spawnEffect Effect spawn
parentizeEffects boolean false


继承自 BasicBulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
trailMult float 1.0
trailSize float 4.0


继承自 BulletType
An extended BulletType for most ammo-based bullets shot from turrets and units. Draws 1-2 sprites that can spin or shrink.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
backColor Color f9c27aff
frontColor Color fff8e8ff
mixColorFrom Color ffffff00
mixColorTo Color ffffff00
width float 5.0
height float 7.0
shrinkX float 0.0
shrinkY float 0.5
shrinkInterp Interp Interp.linear
spin float 0.0
rotationOffset float 0.0
sprite String
backSprite String


继承自 BasicBulletType
Template class for an unmoving shrinking bullet.


继承自 Content

名称 类型 默认值 注释
lifetime float 40.0 Lifetime in ticks.
speed float 1.0 Speed in units/tick.
damage float 1.0 Direct damage dealt on hit.
hitSize float 4.0 Hitbox size.
drawSize float 40.0 Clipping hitbox.
drag float 0.0 Drag as fraction of velocity.
pierce boolean false Whether to pierce units.
pierceBuilding boolean false Whether to pierce buildings.
pierceCap int -1 Maximum # of pierced objects.
pierceDamageFactor float 0.0 Multiplier of damage decreased per health pierced.
removeAfterPierce boolean true If false, this bullet isn't removed after pierceCap is exceeded. Expert usage only.
laserAbsorb boolean true For piercing lasers, setting this to true makes it get absorbed by plastanium walls.
optimalLifeFract float 0.0 Life fraction at which this bullet has the best range/damage/etc. Used for lasers and continuous turrets.
layer float 100.0 Z layer to drawn on.
hitEffect Effect hitBulletSmall Effect shown on direct hit.
despawnEffect Effect hitBulletSmall Effect shown when bullet despawns.
shootEffect Effect shootSmall Effect created when shooting.
chargeEffect Effect none Effect created when charging starts; only usable in single-shot weapons with a firstShotDelay / shotDelay.
smokeEffect Effect shootSmallSmoke Extra smoke effect created when shooting.
hitSound Sound none Sound made when hitting something or getting removed.
despawnSound Sound none Sound made when hitting something or getting removed.
hitSoundPitch float 1.0 Pitch of the sound made when hitting something
hitSoundVolume float 1.0 Volume of the sound made when hitting something
inaccuracy float 0.0 Extra inaccuracy when firing.
ammoMultiplier float 2.0 How many bullets get created per ammo item/liquid.
reloadMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplied by turret reload speed to get final shoot speed.
buildingDamageMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier of how much base damage is done to tiles.
recoil float 0.0 Recoil from shooter entities.
killShooter boolean false Whether to kill the shooter when this is shot. For suicide bombers.
instantDisappear boolean false Whether to instantly make the bullet disappear.
splashDamage float 0.0 Damage dealt in splash. 0 to disable.
scaledSplashDamage boolean false If true, splash damage is "correctly" affected by unit hitbox size. Used for projectiles that do not collide / have splash as their main source of damage.
knockback float 0.0 Knockback in velocity.
impact boolean false Should knockback follow the bullet's direction
statusDuration float 480.0 Intensity of applied status effect in terms of duration.
collidesTiles boolean true Whether this bullet type collides with tiles.
collidesTeam boolean false Whether this bullet type collides with tiles that are of the same team.
collidesAir boolean true Whether this bullet type collides with air/ground units.
collidesGround boolean true Whether this bullet type collides with air/ground units.
collides boolean true Whether this bullet types collides with anything at all.
collideFloor boolean false If true, this projectile collides with non-surface floors.
collideTerrain boolean false If true, this projectile collides with static walls
keepVelocity boolean true Whether velocity is inherited from the shooter.
scaleLife boolean false Whether to scale lifetime (not actually velocity!) to disappear at the target position. Used for artillery.
hittable boolean true Whether this bullet can be hit by point defense.
reflectable boolean true Whether this bullet can be reflected.
absorbable boolean true Whether this projectile can be absorbed by shields.
backMove boolean true Whether to move the bullet back depending on delta to fix some delta-time related issues.
Do not change unless you know what you're doing.
ignoreSpawnAngle boolean false If true, the angle param in create is ignored.
createChance float 1.0 Chance for this bullet to be created.
maxRange float -1.0 Bullet range positive override.
rangeOverride float -1.0 When > 0, overrides range even if smaller than base range.
rangeChange float 0.0 When used in a turret with multiple ammo types, this can be set to a non-zero value to influence range.
range float 0.0 Range initialized in init().
healPercent float 0.0 % of block health healed *
healAmount float 0.0 flat amount of block health healed
makeFire boolean false Whether to make fire on impact
despawnHit boolean false Whether to create hit effects on despawn. Forced to true if this bullet has any special effects like splash damage.
fragOnHit boolean true If true, this bullet will create bullets when it hits anything, not just when it despawns.
fragOnAbsorb boolean true If false, this bullet will not create fraags when absorbed by a shield.
pierceArmor boolean false If true, unit armor is ignored in damage calculations.
setDefaults boolean true Whether status and despawnHit should automatically be set.
hitShake float 0.0 Amount of shaking produced when this bullet hits something or despawns.
despawnShake float 0.0 Amount of shaking produced when this bullet hits something or despawns.
fragBullet BulletType null Bullet type that is created when this bullet expires.
fragRandomSpread float 360.0 Degree spread range of fragmentation bullets.
fragSpread float 0.0 Uniform spread between each frag bullet in degrees.
fragAngle float 0.0 Angle offset of fragmentation bullets.
fragBullets int 9 Number of fragmentation bullets created.
fragVelocityMin float 0.2 Random range of frag velocity as a multiplier.
fragVelocityMax float 1.0 Random range of frag velocity as a multiplier.
fragLifeMin float 1.0 Random range of frag lifetime as a multiplier.
fragLifeMax float 1.0 Random range of frag lifetime as a multiplier.
intervalBullet BulletType Bullet that is created at a fixed interval.
bulletInterval float 20.0 Interval, in ticks, between which bullet spawn.
intervalBullets int 1 Number of bullet spawned per interval.
intervalRandomSpread float 360.0 Random spread of interval bullets.
intervalSpread float 0.0 Angle spread between individual interval bullets.
intervalAngle float 0.0 Angle offset for interval bullets.
intervalDelay float -1.0 Use a negative value to disable interval bullet delay.
hitColor Color ffffffff Color used for hit/despawn effects.
healColor Color 98ffa9ff Color used for block heal effects.
healEffect Effect healBlockFull Effect emitted upon blocks that are healed.
spawnBullets Seq<BulletType> [] Bullets spawned when this bullet is created. Rarely necessary, used for visuals.
spawnUnit UnitType Unit spawned _instead of_ this bullet. Useful for missiles.
despawnUnit UnitType Unit spawned when this bullet hits something or despawns due to it hitting the end of its lifetime.
despawnUnitChance float 1.0 The chance for despawn units to spawn.
despawnUnitCount int 1 Amount of units spawned when this bullet despawns.
despawnUnitRadius float 0.1 Random offset distance from the original bullet despawn/hit coordinate.
faceOutwards boolean false If true, units spawned when this bullet despawns face away from the bullet instead of the same direction as the bullet.
parts Seq<DrawPart> [] Extra visual parts for this bullet.
trailColor Color e58956ff Color of trail behind bullet.
trailChance float -1.0E-4 Chance of trail effect spawning on bullet per tick.
trailInterval float 0.0 Uniform interval in which trail effect is spawned.
trailEffect Effect missileTrail Trail effect that is spawned.
trailParam float 2.0 Rotation/size parameter that is passed to trail. Usually, this controls size.
trailRotation boolean false Whether the parameter passed to the trail is the bullet rotation, instead of a flat value.
trailInterp Interp Interp.one Interpolation for trail width as function of bullet lifetime
trailLength int -1 Length of trail quads. Any value <= 0 disables the trail.
trailWidth float 2.0 Width of trail, if trailLength > 0
trailSinMag float 0.0 If trailSinMag > 0, these values are applied as a sine curve to trail width.
trailSinScl float 3.0 If trailSinMag > 0, these values are applied as a sine curve to trail width.
splashDamageRadius float -1.0 Use a negative value to disable splash damage.
splashDamagePierce boolean false If true, splash damage pierces through tiles.
incendAmount int 0 Amount of fires attempted around bullet.
incendSpread float 8.0 Spread of fires around bullet.
incendChance float 1.0 Chance of fire being created.
homingPower float 0.0 Power of bullet ability. Usually a number between 0 and 1; try 0.1 as a starting point.
homingRange float 50.0 Range of homing effect around bullet.
homingDelay float -1.0 Use a negative value to disable homing delay.
suppressionRange float -1.0 Range of healing block suppression effect.
suppressionDuration float 480.0 Duration of healing block suppression effect.
suppressionEffectChance float 50.0 Chance of suppression effect occurring on block, scaled down by number of blocks.
lightningColor Color f3e979ff Color of lightning created by bullet.
lightning int 0 Number of separate lightning "roots".
lightningLength int 5 Length of each lightning strand.
lightningLengthRand int 0 Extra random length added onto base length of lightning.
lightningDamage float -1.0 Use a negative value to use default bullet damage.
lightningCone float 360.0 Spread of lightning, relative to bullet rotation.
lightningAngle float 0.0 Offset of lightning relative to bullet rotation.
lightningType BulletType null The bullet created at lightning points.
weaveScale float 1.0 Scale of bullet weave pattern. Higher -> less vibration.
weaveMag float 0.0 Intensity of bullet weaving. Note that this may make bullets inaccurate.
weaveRandom boolean true If true, the bullet weave will randomly switch directions on spawn.
puddles int 0 Number of individual puddles created.
puddleRange float 0.0 Range of puddles around bullet position.
puddleAmount float 5.0 Liquid count of each puddle created.
puddleLiquid Liquid water Liquid that puddles created are made of.
displayAmmoMultiplier boolean true Whether to display the ammo multiplayer for this bullet type in its stats.
lightRadius float -1.0 Radius of light emitted by this bullet; <0 to use defaults.
lightOpacity float 0.3 Opacity of light color.
lightColor Color fbd367ff Color of light emitted by this bullet.


继承自 BulletType
Basic continuous (line) bullet type that does not draw itself. Essentially abstract.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
length float 220.0
shake float 0.0
damageInterval float 5.0
largeHit boolean false
continuous boolean true


继承自 ContinuousBulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
lightStroke float 40.0
width float 3.7
oscScl float 1.2
oscMag float 0.02
divisions int 25
drawFlare boolean true
flareColor Color e189f5ff
flareWidth float 3.0
flareInnerScl float 0.5
flareLength float 40.0
flareInnerLenScl float 0.5
flareLayer float 99.9999
flareRotSpeed float 1.2
rotateFlare boolean false
lengthInterp Interp Interp.slope
lengthWidthPans float[] [] Lengths, widths, ellipse panning, and offsets, all as fractions of the base width and length. Stored as an 'interleaved' array of values: LWPO1 LWPO2 LWPO3...
colors Color[] [eb7abe8ce189f5b2907ef7cc91a4ffffffffffff]


继承自 ContinuousBulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
fadeTime float 16.0
lightStroke float 40.0
divisions int 13
colors Color[] [ec745855ec7458aaff9c5affffffffff]
strokeFrom float 2.0
strokeTo float 0.5
pointyScaling float 0.75
backLength float 7.0
frontLength float 35.0
width float 9.0
oscScl float 0.8
oscMag float 1.5


继承自 BasicBulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
radius float 100.0
timeIncrease float 2.5
timeDuration float 600.0
powerDamageScl float 2.0
powerSclDecrease float 0.2
hitPowerEffect Effect hitEmpSpark
chainEffect Effect chainEmp
applyEffect Effect heal
hitUnits boolean true
unitDamageScl float 0.7


继承自 BulletType
Template class for a non-drawing bullet type that makes an explosion and disappears instantly.


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
colorFrom Color ffdd55ff
colorMid Color db401cff
colorTo Color 7f7f7fff
radius float 3.0
velMin float 0.6
velMax float 2.6
fireTrailChance float 0.04
trailEffect2 Effect ballfire
fireEffectChance float 0.1
fireEffectChance2 float 0.1


继承自 BasicBulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
explodeRange float 30.0
explodeDelay float 5.0
flakDelay float 0.0
flakInterval float 6.0


继承自 BasicBulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
width float 2.0
height float 7.0


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
colors Color[] [a9d8ff66a9d8ffffffffffff]
laserEffect Effect lancerLaserShootSmoke
length float 160.0
width float 15.0
lengthFalloff float 0.5
sideLength float 29.0
sideWidth float 0.7
sideAngle float 90.0
lightningSpacing float -1.0
lightningDelay float 0.1
lightningAngleRand float 0.0
largeHit boolean false


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
lightningColor Color a9d8ffff
lightningLength int 25
lightningLengthRand int 0


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
liquid Liquid
puddleSize float 6.0
orbSize float 3.0
boilTime float 5.0


继承自 BulletType


继承自 BasicBulletType


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
trailSpacing float 10.0


继承自 BulletType
A continuous bullet type that only damages in a point.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
sprite String "point-laser"
color Color ffffffff
beamEffect Effect colorTrail
beamEffectInterval float 3.0
beamEffectSize float 3.5
oscScl float 2.0
oscMag float 0.3
damageInterval float 5.0
shake float 0.0


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
pierceEffect Effect hitBulletSmall
pointEffect Effect none
lineEffect Effect none
endEffect Effect none
length float 100.0
pointEffectSpace float 20.0


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
length float 100.0
sapStrength float 0.5
color Color ffffffff
width float 0.4


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
length float 100.0
width float 20.0
fromColor Color ffffffff
toColor Color a9d8ffff
hitLarge boolean false
serrations int 7
serrationLenScl float 10.0
serrationWidth float 4.0
serrationSpacing float 8.0
serrationSpaceOffset float 80.0
serrationFadeOffset float 0.5


继承自 BulletType

名称 类型 默认值 注释
orbSize float 5.5


继承自 Effect

名称 类型 默认值 注释
waveColor Color ffd2aeff
smokeColor Color 7f7f7fff
sparkColor Color e58956ff
waveLife float 6.0
waveStroke float 3.0
waveRad float 15.0
waveRadBase float 2.0
sparkStroke float 1.0
sparkRad float 23.0
sparkLen float 3.0
smokeSize float 4.0
smokeSizeBase float 0.5
smokeRad float 23.0
smokes int 5
sparks int 4


继承自 Effect
Renders multiple particle effects at once.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
effects Effect[] []


继承自 Effect
The most essential effect class. Can create particles in various shapes.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
colorFrom Color ffffffff
colorTo Color ffffffff
particles int 6
randLength boolean true
casingFlip boolean false Gives the effect flipping compatability like casing effects.
cone float 180.0
length float 20.0
baseLength float 0.0
interp Interp Interp.linear Particle size/length/radius interpolation.
sizeInterp Interp null Particle size interpolation. Null to use interp.
offsetX float 0.0
offsetY float 0.0
lightScl float 2.0
lightOpacity float 0.6
lightColor Color
spin float 0.0 Spin in degrees per tick.
sizeFrom float 2.0 Controls the initial and final sprite sizes.
sizeTo float 0.0 Controls the initial and final sprite sizes.
useRotation boolean true Whether the rotation adds with the parent
offset float 0.0 Rotation offset.
region String "circle" Sprite to draw.
line boolean false
strokeFrom float 2.0
strokeTo float 0.0
lenFrom float 4.0
lenTo float 2.0
cap boolean true


继承自 Effect
Renders one particle effect repeatedly at specified angle intervals.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
effect Effect none
rotationSpacing float 90.0
rotationOffset float 0.0
lengthOffset float 0.0
amount int 4


继承自 Effect
Renders multiple particle effects in sequence.
Will not work correctly for effects that modify life dynamically.
Z layer of child effects is ignored.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
effects Effect[] []


继承自 Effect
Effect that renders a basic shockwave.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
colorFrom Color ffffffff
colorTo Color ffffffff
lightColor Color
sizeFrom float 0.0
sizeTo float 100.0
lightScl float 3.0
lightOpacity float 0.8
sides int -1
rotation float 0.0
strokeFrom float 2.0
strokeTo float 0.0
interp Interp Interp.linear
lightInterp Interp Interp.reverse
offsetX float 0.0
offsetY float 0.0


继承自 Effect
Wraps an effect with some parameters.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
effect Effect none
color Color ffffffff
rotation float 0.0


继承自 Liquid
Liquid that draws cells in its puddle.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
colorFrom Color ffffffff
colorTo Color ffffffff
cells int 8
spreadTarget Liquid
maxSpread float 0.75
spreadConversion float 1.2
spreadDamage float 0.11
removeScaling float 0.25


继承自 Content
Represents a blank type of content that has an error. Replaces anything that failed to parse.


继承自 UnlockableContent

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color
explosiveness float 0.0 how explosive this item is.
flammability float 0.0 flammability above 0.3 makes this eligible for item burners.
radioactivity float 0.0 how radioactive this item is.
charge float 0.0 how electrically potent this item is.
hardness int 0 drill hardness of the item
cost float 1.0 base material cost of this item, used for calculating place times
1 cost = 1 tick added to build time
healthScaling float 0.0 When this item is present in the build cost, a block's default health is multiplied by 1 + scaling, where 'scaling' is summed together for all item requirement types.
lowPriority boolean false if true, this item is of the lowest priority to drills.
frames int 0 If >0, this item is animated.
transitionFrames int 0 Number of generated transition frames between each frame
frameTime float 5.0 Ticks in-between animation frames.
buildable boolean true If true, this material is used by buildings. If false, this material will be incinerated in certain cores.
hidden boolean false
hiddenOnPlanets Planet[] For mods. Adds this item to the listed planets' hidden items Seq.


继承自 UnlockableContent
A better name for this class would be "fluid", but it's too late for that.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
gas boolean false If true, this fluid is treated as a gas (and does not create puddles)
color Color Color used in pipes and on the ground.
gasColor Color bfbfbfff Color of this liquid in gas form.
barColor Color Color used in bars.
lightColor Color 00000000 Color used to draw lights. Note that the alpha channel is used to dictate brightness.
flammability float 0.0 0-1, 0 is completely not flammable, anything above that may catch fire when exposed to heat, 0.5+ is very flammable.
temperature float 0.5 temperature: 0.5 is 'room' temperature, 0 is very cold, 1 is molten hot
heatCapacity float 0.5 how much heat this liquid can store. 0.4=water (decent), anything lower is probably less dense and bad at cooling.
viscosity float 0.5 how thick this liquid is. 0.5=water (relatively viscous), 1 would be something like tar (very slow).
explosiveness float 0.0 how prone to exploding this liquid is, when heated. 0 = nothing, 1 = nuke
blockReactive boolean true whether this fluid reacts in blocks at all (e.g. slag with water)
coolant boolean true if false, this liquid cannot be a coolant
moveThroughBlocks boolean false if true, this liquid can move through blocks as a puddle.
incinerable boolean true if true, this liquid can be incinerated in the incinerator block.
particleEffect Effect none Effect shown in puddles.
particleSpacing float 60.0 Particle effect rate spacing in ticks.
boilPoint float 2.0 Temperature at which this liquid vaporizes. This isn't just boiling.
capPuddles boolean true If true, puddle size is capped.
vaporEffect Effect vapor Effect when this liquid vaporizes.
hidden boolean false If true, this liquid is hidden in most UI.
canStayOn ObjectSet<Liquid> new ObjectSet<>() Liquids this puddle can stay on, e.g. oil on water.


继承自 UnlockableContent

名称 类型 默认值 注释
position Vec3 new Vec3() Position in global coordinates. Will be 0,0,0 until the Universe updates it.
generator PlanetGenerator Generator that will make the planet. Can be null for planets that don't need to be landed on.
sectors Seq<Sector> new Seq<>() Array of sectors; directly maps to tiles in the grid.
orbitSpacing float 12 Default spacing between planet orbits in world units. This is defined per-parent!
radius float Radius of this planet's sphere. Does not take into account satellites.
camRadius float Camera radius offset.
minZoom float 5 Minimum camera zoom value.
drawOrbit boolean true Whether to draw the orbital circle.
atmosphereRadIn float 0 Atmosphere radius adjustment parameters.
atmosphereRadOut float 3 Atmosphere radius adjustment parameters.
clipRadius float -1 Frustum sphere clip radius.
orbitRadius float Orbital radius around the sun. Do not change unless you know exactly what you are doing.
totalRadius float Total radius of this planet and all its children.
orbitTime float Time for the planet to orbit around the sun once, in seconds. One year.
rotateTime float 24f * 60 Time for the planet to perform a full revolution, in seconds. One day.
orbitOffset float Random orbit angle offset to prevent planets from starting out in a line.
sectorApproxRadius float Approx. radius of one sector.
tidalLock boolean false Whether this planet is tidally locked relative to its parent - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_locking
accessible boolean true Whether this planet is listed in the planet access UI. *
defaultEnv int oxygen Environment flags for sectors on this planet.
defaultAttributes Attributes new Attributes() Environment attributes.
updateLighting boolean true If true, a day/night cycle is simulated.
lightSrcFrom float 0 Day/night cycle parameters.
lightSrcTo float 8 Day/night cycle parameters.
lightDstFrom float 2 Day/night cycle parameters.
lightDstTo float 1 Day/night cycle parameters.
startSector int 0 The default starting sector displayed to the map dialog.
sectorSeed int -1 Seed for sector base generation on this planet. -1 to use a random one based on ID.
launchCapacityMultiplier float 25 multiplier for core item capacity when launching
bloom boolean false Whether the bloom render effect is enabled.
visible boolean true Whether this planet is displayed.
landCloudColor Color 5f) Tint of clouds displayed when landing.
lightColor Color cpy() For suns, this is the color that shines on other planets. Does nothing for children.
atmosphereColor Color 0f) Atmosphere tint for landable planets.
iconColor Color cpy() Icon for appearance in planet list.
hasAtmosphere boolean true Whether this planet has an atmosphere.
allowLaunchSchematics boolean false Whether to allow users to specify a custom launch schematic for this map.
allowLaunchLoadout boolean false Whether to allow users to specify the resources they take to this map.
allowWaveSimulation boolean false Whether to allow sectors to simulate waves in the background.
allowSectorInvasion boolean false Whether to simulate sector invasions from enemy bases.
clearSectorOnLose boolean false If true, sectors saves are cleared when lost.
enemyBuildSpeedMultiplier float 1 Multiplier for enemy rebuild speeds; only applied in campaign (not standard rules)
enemyCoreSpawnReplace boolean false If true, enemy cores are replaced with spawnpoints on this planet (for invasions)
prebuildBase boolean true If true, blocks in the radius of the core will be removed and "built up" in a shockwave upon landing.
allowWaves boolean false If true, waves are created on sector loss. TODO remove.
allowLaunchToNumbered boolean true If false, players are unable to land on this planet's numbered sectors.
icon String "planet" Icon as displayed in the planet selection dialog. This is a string, as drawables are null at load time.
defaultCore Block coreShard Default core block for launching.
parent Planet Parent body that this planet orbits around. If null, this planet is considered to be in the middle of the solar system.
solarSystem Planet The root parent of the whole solar system this planet is in.
children Seq<Planet> new Seq<>() All planets orbiting this one, in ascending order of radius.
launchCandidates Seq<Planet> new Seq<>() TODO remove? Planets that can be launched to from this one. Made mutual in init().
hiddenItems Seq<Item> new Seq<>() Items not available on this planet. Left out for backwards compatibility.
itemWhitelist Seq<Item> new Seq<>() The only items available on this planet, if defined.


继承自 UnlockableContent

名称 类型 默认值 注释
planet Planet
sector Sector
captureWave int 0
difficulty float Difficulty, 0-10.
startWaveTimeMultiplier float 2
addStartingItems boolean false
noLighting boolean false
isLastSector boolean If true, this is the last sector in its planetary campaign.
showSectorLandInfo boolean true
overrideLaunchDefaults boolean false If true, uses this sector's launch fields instead
allowLaunchSchematics boolean false Whether to allow users to specify a custom launch schematic for this map.
allowLaunchLoadout boolean false Whether to allow users to specify the resources they take to this map.
attackAfterWaves boolean false If true, switches to attack mode after waves end.


继承自 UnlockableContent

名称 类型 默认值 注释
damageMultiplier float 1.0 Damage dealt by the unit with the effect.
healthMultiplier float 1.0 Unit health multiplier.
speedMultiplier float 1.0 Unit speed multiplier.
reloadMultiplier float 1.0 Unit reload multiplier.
buildSpeedMultiplier float 1.0 Unit build speed multiplier.
dragMultiplier float 1.0 Unit drag multiplier.
transitionDamage float 0.0 Damage dealt upon transition to an affinity.
disarm boolean false Unit weapon(s) disabled.
damage float 0.0 Damage per frame.
effectChance float 0.15 Chance of effect appearing.
parentizeEffect boolean false Should the effect be given a parent.
permanent boolean false If true, the effect never disappears.
reactive boolean false If true, this effect will only react with other effects and cannot be applied.
show boolean true Whether to show this effect in the database.
color Color ffffffff Tint color of effect.
effect Effect none Effect that happens randomly on top of the affected unit.
applyEffect Effect none Effect that is displayed once when applied to a unit.
applyExtend boolean false Whether the apply effect should display even if effect is already on the unit.
applyColor Color ffffffff Tint color of apply effect.
parentizeApplyEffect boolean false Should the apply effect be given a parent.
outline boolean true Set to false to disable outline generation.


继承自 UnlockableContent


继承自 UnlockableContent

名称 类型 默认值 注释
envRequired int 0 Environmental flags that are *all* required for this unit to function. 0 = any environment
envEnabled int 1 The environment flags that this unit can function in. If the env matches any of these, it will be enabled.
envDisabled int 16 The environment flags that this unit *cannot* function in. If the env matches any of these, it will explode or be disabled.
speed float 1.1 movement speed (world units/t)
boostMultiplier float 1.0 multiplier for speed when boosting
rotateSpeed float 5.0 body rotation speed in degrees/t
baseRotateSpeed float 5.0 mech base rotation speed in degrees/t
drag float 0.3 movement drag as fraction
accel float 0.5 acceleration as fraction of speed
hitSize float 6.0 size of one side of the hitbox square
stepShake float -1.0 shake on each step for leg/mech units
rippleScale float 1.0 ripple / dust size for legged units
riseSpeed float 0.08 boosting rise speed as fraction
fallSpeed float 0.018 how fast this unit falls when not boosting
missileAccelTime float 0.0 how many ticks it takes this missile to accelerate to full speed
health float 200.0 raw health amount
armor float 0.0 incoming damage is reduced by this amount
range float -1.0 minimum range of any weapon; used for approaching targets. can be overridden by setting a value > 0.
maxRange float -1.0 maximum range of any weapon
mineRange float 70.0 range at which this unit can mine ores
buildRange float 220.0 range at which this unit can build
crashDamageMultiplier float 1.0 multiplier for damage this (flying) unit deals when crashing on enemy things
dpsEstimate float -1.0 a VERY ROUGH estimate of unit DPS; initialized in init()
clipSize float -1.0 graphics clipping size; <0 to calculate automatically
drownTimeMultiplier float 1.0 multiplier for how slowly this unit drowns - higher numbers, slower drowning.
strafePenalty float 0.5 fractional movement speed penalty for this unit when it is moving in the opposite direction that it is facing
researchCostMultiplier float 50.0 multiplier for cost of research in tech tree
groundLayer float 60.0 for ground units, the layer upon which this unit is drawn
payloadCapacity float 8.0 Payload capacity of this unit in world units^2
buildSpeed float -1.0 building speed multiplier; <0 to disable.
aimDst float -1.0 Minimum distance from this unit that weapons can target. Prevents units from firing "inside" the unit.
buildBeamOffset float 3.8 Visual offset of build beam from front.
targetPriority float 0.0 WIP: Units of low priority will always be ignored in favor of those with higher priority, regardless of distance.
shadowElevation float -1.0 Elevation of shadow drawn under this (ground) unit. Visual only.
shadowElevationScl float 1.0 Scale for length of shadow drawn under this unit. Does nothing if this unit has no shadow.
engineOffset float 5.0 backwards engine offset from center of unit
engineSize float 2.5 main engine radius
engineLayer float -1.0 layer of all engines (<0 for default)
itemOffsetY float 3.0 visual backwards offset of items on unit
lightRadius float -1.0 radius of light emitted, <0 for default
lightOpacity float 0.6 light color opacity
fogRadius float -1.0 fog view radius in tiles. <0 for automatic radius.
waveTrailX float 4.0 horizontal offset of wave trail in naval units
waveTrailY float -3.0 vertical offset of wave trail in naval units
trailScl float 1.0 width of all trails (including naval ones)
isEnemy boolean true if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units)
flying boolean false If true, the unit is always at elevation 1.
targetAir boolean true whether this unit tries to attack air units
targetGround boolean true whether this unit tries to attack ground units
faceTarget boolean true if true, this unit will attempt to face its target when shooting/aiming at it
circleTarget boolean false AI flag: if true, this flying unit circles around its target like a bomber
canBoost boolean false if true, this unit can boost into the air if a player/processors controls it
logicControllable boolean true if false, logic processors cannot control this unit
playerControllable boolean true if false, players cannot control this unit
allowedInPayloads boolean true if false, this unit cannot be moved into payloads
hittable boolean true if false, this unit cannot be hit by bullets or explosions
killable boolean true if false, this unit does not take damage and cannot be kill() / destroy()-ed.
targetable boolean true if false, this unit is not targeted by anything.
vulnerableWithPayloads boolean false if true, this unit can be hit/targeted when it has payloads (assuming hittable/targetable is false)
pickupUnits boolean true if true, this payload unit can pick up units
physics boolean true if false, this unit does not physically collide with others.
canDrown boolean true if true, this ground unit will drown in deep liquids.
useUnitCap boolean true if false, this unit ignores the unit cap and can be spawned infinitely
coreUnitDock boolean false if true, this core unit will "dock" to other units, making it re-appear when "undocking".
createWreck boolean true if false, no falling "corpse" is created when this unit dies.
createScorch boolean true if false, no scorch marks are created when this unit dies
lowAltitude boolean false if true, this unit will be drawn under effects/bullets; this is a visual change only.
rotateToBuilding boolean true if true, this unit will look at whatever it is building
allowLegStep boolean false if true and this is a legged unit, this unit can walk over blocks.
legPhysicsLayer boolean true for legged units, setting this to false forces it to be on the ground physics layer.
hovering boolean false if true, this unit cannot drown, and will not be affected by the floor under it.
omniMovement boolean true if true, this unit can move in any direction regardless of rotation. if false, this unit can only move in the direction it is facing.
rotateMoveFirst boolean false if true, the unit faces its moving direction before actually moving.
healFlash boolean true if true, this unit flashes when being healed
canHeal boolean false whether the unit can heal blocks. Initialized in init()
singleTarget boolean false if true, all weapons will attack the same target.
forceMultiTarget boolean false if true, this unit will be able to have multiple targets, even if it only has one mirrored weapon.
canAttack boolean true if false, this unit has no weapons that can attack.
hidden boolean false if true, this unit won't show up in the database or various other UIs.
internal boolean false if true, this unit is for internal use only and does not have a sprite generated.
bounded boolean true If false, this unit is not pushed away from map edges.
naval boolean false if true, this unit is detected as naval - do NOT assign this manually! Initialized in init()
autoFindTarget boolean true if false, RTS AI controlled units do not automatically attack things while moving. This is automatically assigned.
alwaysShootWhenMoving boolean false if true, this unit will always shoot while moving regardless of slowdown
hoverable boolean true whether this unit has a hover tooltip
alwaysCreateOutline boolean false if true, this modded unit always has a -outline region generated for its base. Normally, outlines are ignored if there are no top = false weapons.
squareShape boolean false if true, this unit has a square shadow.
drawBuildBeam boolean true if true, this unit will draw its building beam towards blocks.
drawCell boolean true if false, the team indicator/cell is not drawn.
drawItems boolean true if false, carried items are not drawn.
drawShields boolean true if false, the unit shield (usually seen in waves) is not drawn.
drawBody boolean true if false, the unit body is not drawn.
drawMinimap boolean true if false, the unit is not drawn on the minimap.
abilities Seq<Ability> [] list of "abilities", which are various behaviors that update each frame
weapons Seq<Weapon> [] All weapons that this unit will shoot with.
healColor Color 98ffa9ff color that this unit flashes when getting healed (if healFlash is true)
lightColor Color fbd367ff Color of light that this unit produces when lighting is enabled in the map.
deathSound Sound bang sound played when this unit explodes (*not* when it is shot down)
loopSound Sound none sound played on loop when this unit is around.
loopSoundVolume float 0.5 volume of loop sound
fallEffect Effect fallSmoke effect that this unit emits when falling
fallEngineEffect Effect fallSmoke effect created at engine when unit falls.
deathExplosionEffect Effect dynamicExplosion effect created when this unit dies
treadEffect Effect optional effect created when this tank moves
parts Seq<DrawPart> [] extra (usually animated) visual parts
useEngineElevation boolean true if false, the thruster is always displayed at its normal size regardless of elevation
engineColor Color null override for all engine colors
engineColorInner Color ffffffff color for inner portions of engines
trailLength int 0 length of engine trail (if flying) or wave trail (if naval)
trailColor Color override for engine trail color
sample Unit A sample of the unit that this type creates. Do not modify!
targetFlags BlockFlag[] [core] Flags to target based on priority. Null indicates that the closest target should be found. The closest enemy core is used as a fallback.
commands UnitCommand[] [] Commands available to this unit through RTS controls. An empty array means commands will be assigned based on unit capabilities in init().
defaultCommand UnitCommand Command to assign to this unit upon creation. Null indicates the first command in the array.
outlineColor Color 565666ff color for outline generated around sprites
outlineRadius int 3 thickness for sprite outline
outlines boolean true if false, no sprite outlines are generated
itemCapacity int -1 amount of items this unit can carry; <0 to determine based on hitSize.
ammoCapacity int -1 amount of ammo this unit can hold (if the rule is enabled); <0 to determine based on weapon fire rate.
ammoType AmmoType copper) ammo this unit uses, if that system is enabled.
mineTier int -1 max hardness of ore that this unit can mine (<0 to disable)
mineSpeed float 1.0 mining speed in weird arbitrary units
mineWalls boolean false whether this unit can mine ores from floors/walls, respectively
mineFloor boolean true whether this unit can mine ores from floors/walls, respectively
mineHardnessScaling boolean true if true, harder materials will take longer to mine
mineSound Sound minebeam continuous sound emitted when mining.
mineSoundVolume float 0.6 volume of mining sound.
mineItems Seq<Item> [铜铅钛钍] Target items to mine. Used in MinerAI
legCount int 4 number of legs this unit has (must have the correct type to function!)
legGroupSize int 2 size of groups in which legs move. for example, insects (6 legs) usually move legs in groups of 3.
legLength float 10.0 total length of a leg (both segments)
legSpeed float 0.1 how fast individual legs move towards their destination (non-linear)
legForwardScl float 1.0 scale for how far in front (relative to unit velocity) legs try to place themselves; if legs lag behind a unit, increase this number
legBaseOffset float 0.0 leg offset from the center of the unit
legMoveSpace float 1.0 scaling for space between leg movements
legExtension float 0.0 for legs without "joints", this is how much the second leg sprite is moved "back" by, so it covers the joint region (it's hard to explain without an image)
legPairOffset float 0.0 Higher values of this field make groups of legs move less in-sync with each other.
legLengthScl float 1.0 scaling for how far away legs *try* to be from the body (not their actual length); e.g. if set to 0.5, legs will appear somewhat folded
legStraightLength float 1.0 if legStraightness > 0, this is the scale for how far away legs are from the body horizontally
legMaxLength float 1.75 maximum length of an individual leg as fraction of real length
legMinLength float 0.0 minimum length of an individual leg as fraction of real length
legSplashDamage float 0.0 splash damage dealt when a leg touches the ground
legSplashRange float 5.0 splash damage radius of legs
baseLegStraightness float 0.0 how straight the leg base/origin is (0 = circular, 1 = line)
legStraightness float 0.0 how straight the leg outward angles are (0 = circular, 1 = horizontal line)
lockLegBase boolean false If true, legs are locked to the base of the unit instead of being on an implicit rotating "mount".
legContinuousMove boolean false If true, legs always try to move around even when the unit is not moving (leads to more natural behavior)
flipBackLegs boolean true TODO neither of these appear to do much
flipLegSide boolean false TODO neither of these appear to do much
mechLandShake float 0.0 screen shake amount for when this mech lands after boosting
mechSideSway float 0.54 parameters for mech swaying animation
mechFrontSway float 0.1 parameters for mech swaying animation
mechStride float -1.0 parameters for mech swaying animation
mechStepParticles boolean false whether particles are created when this mech takes a step
mechLegColor Color 6e7080ff color that legs change to when moving, to simulate depth
treadFrames int 18 number of frames of movement in a tread
treadPullOffset int 0 how much of a top part of a tread sprite is "cut off" relative to the pattern; this is corrected for
segments int 0 number of independent segments
segmentMag float 2.0 magnitude of sine offset between segments
segmentScl float 4.0 scale of sine offset between segments
segmentPhase float 5.0 index multiplier of sine offset between segments
segmentRotSpeed float 1.0 how fast each segment moves towards the next one
segmentMaxRot float 30.0 maximum difference between segment angles
crawlSlowdown float 0.5 speed multiplier this unit will have when crawlSlowdownFrac is met.
crushDamage float 0.0 damage dealt to blocks under this tank/crawler every frame.
crawlSlowdownFrac float 0.55 the fraction of solids under this block necessary for it to reach crawlSlowdown.
lifetime float 300.0 lifetime of this missile.
homingDelay float 10.0 ticks that must pass before this missile starts homing.


继承自 Object

名称 类型 默认值 注释
name String displayed weapon region
bullet BulletType placeholder bullet shot
ejectEffect Effect none shell ejection effect
display boolean true whether weapon should appear in the stats of a unit with this weapon
useAmmo boolean true whether to consume ammo when ammo is enabled in rules
mirror boolean true whether to create a flipped copy of this weapon upon initialization. default: true
flipSprite boolean false whether to flip the weapon's sprite when rendering
alternate boolean true whether to shoot the weapons in different arms one after another, rather than all at once; only valid when mirror = true
rotate boolean false whether to rotate toward the target independently of unit
showStatSprite boolean true Whether to show the sprite of the weapon in the database.
baseRotation float 0.0 rotation at which this weapon starts at. TODO buggy!
top boolean true whether to draw the outline on top.
continuous boolean false whether to hold the bullet in place while firing; it will still require reload.
alwaysContinuous boolean false whether this weapon uses continuous fire without reloading; implies continuous = true
controllable boolean true whether this weapon can be aimed manually by players
aiControllable boolean true whether this weapon can be automatically aimed by the unit
alwaysShooting boolean false whether this weapon is always shooting, regardless of targets ore cone
autoTarget boolean false whether to automatically target relevant units in update(); only works when controllable = false.
predictTarget boolean true whether to perform target trajectory prediction
useAttackRange boolean true if true, this weapon is used for attack range calculations
targetInterval float 40.0 ticks to wait in-between targets
targetSwitchInterval float 70.0 ticks to wait in-between targets
rotateSpeed float 20.0 rotation speed of weapon when rotation is enabled, in degrees/t
reload float 1.0 weapon reload in frames
inaccuracy float 0.0 inaccuracy of degrees of each shot
shake float 0.0 intensity and duration of each shot's screen shake
recoil float 1.5 visual weapon knockback.
recoils int -1 Number of additional counters for recoil.
recoilTime float -1.0 time taken for weapon to return to starting position in ticks. uses reload time by default
recoilPow float 1.8 power curve applied to visual recoil
cooldownTime float 20.0 ticks to cool down the heat region
shootX float 0.0 projectile/effect offsets from center of weapon
shootY float 3.0 projectile/effect offsets from center of weapon
x float 5.0 offsets of weapon position on unit
y float 0.0 offsets of weapon position on unit
xRand float 0.0 Random spread on the X axis.
shoot ShootPattern new ShootPattern() pattern used for bullets
shadow float -1.0 radius of shadow drawn under the weapon; <0 to disable
velocityRnd float 0.0 fraction of velocity that is random
shootCone float 5.0 The half-radius of the cone in which shooting will start.
rotationLimit float 361.0 Cone in which the weapon can rotate relative to its mount.
minWarmup float 0.0 minimum weapon warmup before firing (this is not linear, do NOT use 1!)
shootWarmupSpeed float 0.1 lerp speed for shoot warmup, only used for parts
smoothReloadSpeed float 0.15 lerp speed for shoot warmup, only used for parts
linearWarmup boolean false If true, shoot warmup is linear instead of a curve.
soundPitchMin float 0.8 random sound pitch range
soundPitchMax float 1.0 random sound pitch range
ignoreRotation boolean false whether shooter rotation is ignored when shooting.
noAttack boolean false If true, this weapon cannot be used to attack targets.
minShootVelocity float -1.0 min velocity required for this weapon to shoot
parentizeEffects boolean false should the shoot effects follow the unit (effects need followParent set to true for this to work)
otherSide int -1 internal value used for alternation - do not change!
layerOffset float 0.0 draw Z offset relative to the default value
shootSound Sound pew sound used for shooting
chargeSound Sound none sound used for weapons that have a delay
noAmmoSound Sound noammo sound played when there is nothing to shoot
heatColor Color ab3400ff heat region tint
shootStatusDuration float 300.0 status effect duration when shot
shootOnDeath boolean false whether this weapon should fire when its owner dies
parts Seq<DrawPart> [] extra animated parts


继承自 UnlockableContent

名称 类型 默认值 注释
duration float 36000.0 Default duration of this weather event in ticks.
opacityMultiplier float 1.0
attrs Attributes new Attributes()
sound Sound none
soundVol float 0.1
soundVolMin float 0.0
soundVolOscMag float 0.0
soundVolOscScl float 20.0
hidden boolean false
statusDuration float 120.0
statusAir boolean true
statusGround boolean true


继承自 UnitType
Config class for special Erekir unit properties.


继承自 UnitType
Field template for unit types. No new functionality.


继承自 UnitType
This is just a preset. Contains no new behavior.


继承自 ErekirUnitType


继承自 Weapon
Purely visual turret. Does not shoot anything.


继承自 Weapon
Note that this requires several things:
- A bullet with positive maxRange
- A bullet with positive damage
- Rotation

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color ffffffff
beamEffect Effect pointBeam


继承自 Weapon
Note that this weapon requires a bullet with a positive maxRange.
Rotation must be set to true. Fixed repair points are not supported.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
targetBuildings boolean false
targetUnits boolean true
repairSpeed float 0.3
fractionRepairSpeed float 0.0
beamWidth float 1.0
pulseRadius float 6.0
pulseStroke float 2.0
widthSinMag float 0.0
widthSinScl float 4.0
recentDamageMultiplier float 0.1
laserColor Color 98ffa9ff
laserTopColor Color ffffffff
healColor Color 98ffa9ff
healEffect Effect healBlockFull


继承自 Weather


继承自 Weather

名称 类型 默认值 注释
particleRegion String "circle-shadow"
color Color ffffffff
yspeed float -2.0
xspeed float 0.25
padding float 16.0
sizeMin float 2.4
sizeMax float 12.0
density float 1200.0
minAlpha float 1.0
maxAlpha float 1.0
force float 0.0
noiseScale float 2000.0
baseSpeed float 6.1
sinSclMin float 30.0
sinSclMax float 80.0
sinMagMin float 1.0
sinMagMax float 7.0
noiseColor Color ffffffff
drawNoise boolean false
drawParticles boolean true
useWindVector boolean false
randomParticleRotation boolean false
noiseLayers int 1
noiseLayerSpeedM float 1.1
noiseLayerAlphaM float 0.8
noiseLayerSclM float 0.99
noiseLayerColorM float 1.0
noisePath String "noiseAlpha"


继承自 Weather

名称 类型 默认值 注释
yspeed float 5.0
xspeed float 1.5
padding float 16.0
density float 1200.0
stroke float 0.75
sizeMin float 8.0
sizeMax float 40.0
splashTimeScale float 22.0
liquid Liquid water
color Color 7a95eaff


继承自 Weather


继承自 UnlockableContent

名称 类型 默认值 注释
hasItems boolean false If true, buildings have an ItemModule.
hasLiquids boolean false If true, buildings have a LiquidModule.
hasPower boolean false If true, buildings have a PowerModule.
outputsLiquid boolean false Flag for determining whether this block outputs liquid somewhere; used for connections.
consumesPower boolean true Used by certain power blocks (nodes) to flag as non-consuming of power. True by default, even if this block has no power.
outputsPower boolean false If true, this block is a generator that can produce power.
connectedPower boolean true If false, power nodes cannot connect to this block.
conductivePower boolean false If true, this block can conduct power like a cable.
outputsPayload boolean false If true, this block can output payloads; affects blending.
acceptsPayload boolean false If true, payloads will attempt to move into this block.
acceptsItems boolean false Visual flag use for blending of certain transportation blocks.
separateItemCapacity boolean false If true, all item capacities of this block are separate instead of pooled as one number.
itemCapacity int 10 maximum items this block can carry (usually, this is per-type of item)
liquidCapacity float 10.0 maximum total liquids this block can carry if hasLiquids = true
liquidPressure float 1.0 higher numbers increase liquid output speed; TODO remove and replace with better liquids system
outputFacing boolean true If true, this block outputs to its facing direction, when applicable.
Used for blending calculations.
noSideBlend boolean false if true, this block does not accept input from the sides (used for armored conveyors)
displayFlow boolean true whether to display flow rate
inEditor boolean true whether this block is visible in the editor
lastConfig Object the last configuration value applied to this block.
saveConfig boolean false whether to save the last config and apply it to newly placed blocks
copyConfig boolean true whether to allow copying the config through middle click
clearOnDoubleTap boolean false if true, double-tapping this configurable block clears configuration.
update boolean false whether this block has a tile entity that updates
destructible boolean false whether this block has health and can be destroyed
unloadable boolean true whether unloaders work on this block
isDuct boolean false if true, this block acts a duct and will connect to armored ducts from the side.
allowResupply boolean false whether units can resupply by taking items from this block
solid boolean false whether this is solid
solidifes boolean false whether this block CAN be solid.
teamPassable boolean false if true, this counts as a non-solid block to this team.
underBullets boolean false if true, this block cannot be hit by bullets unless explicitly targeted.
rotate boolean false whether this is rotatable
rotateDraw boolean true if rotate is true and this is false, the region won't rotate when drawing
lockRotation boolean true if rotate = false and this is true, rotation will be locked at 0 when placing (default); advanced use only
invertFlip boolean false if true, schematic flips with this block are inverted.
variants int 0 number of different variant regions to use
drawArrow boolean true whether to draw a rotation arrow - this does not apply to lines of blocks
drawTeamOverlay boolean true whether to draw the team corner by default
saveData boolean false for static blocks only: if true, tile data() is saved in world data.
breakable boolean false whether you can break this with rightclick
rebuildable boolean true whether to add this block to brokenblocks
privileged boolean false if true, this logic-related block can only be used with privileged processors (or is one itself)
requiresWater boolean false whether this block can only be placed on water
placeableLiquid boolean false whether this block can be placed on any liquids, anywhere
placeablePlayer boolean true whether this block can be placed directly by the player via PlacementFragment
placeableOn boolean true whether this floor can be placed on.
insulated boolean false whether this block has insulating properties.
squareSprite boolean true whether the sprite is a full square.
absorbLasers boolean false whether this block absorbs laser attacks.
enableDrawStatus boolean true if false, the status is never drawn
drawDisabled boolean true whether to draw disabled status
autoResetEnabled boolean true whether to automatically reset enabled status after a logic block has not interacted for a while.
noUpdateDisabled boolean false if true, the block stops updating when disabled
updateInUnits boolean true if true, this block updates when it's a payload in a unit.
alwaysUpdateInUnits boolean false if true, this block updates in payloads in units regardless of the experimental game rule
useColor boolean true Whether to use this block's color in the minimap. Only used for overlays.
itemDrop Item null item that drops from this block, used for drills
playerUnmineable boolean false if true, this block cannot be mined by players. useful for annoying things like sand.
attributes Attributes new Attributes() Array of affinities to certain things.
scaledHealth float -1.0 Health per square tile that this block occupies; essentially, this is multiplied by size * size. Overridden if health is > 0. If <0, the default is 40.
health int -1 building health; -1 to use scaledHealth
armor float 0.0 damage absorption, similar to unit armor
baseExplosiveness float 0.0 base block explosiveness
destroyBullet BulletType null bullet that this block spawns when destroyed
destroyBulletSameTeam boolean false if true, destroyBullet is spawned on the block's team instead of Derelict team
lightLiquid Liquid liquid used for lighting
drawCracks boolean true whether cracks are drawn when this block is damaged
createRubble boolean true whether rubble is created when this block is destroyed
floating boolean false whether this block can be placed on edges of liquids.
size int 1 multiblock size
offset float 0.0 multiblock offset
sizeOffset int 0 offset for iteration (internal use only)
clipSize float -1.0 Clipping size of this block. Should be as large as the block will draw.
placeOverlapRange float 50.0 When placeRangeCheck is enabled, this is the range checked for enemy blocks.
crushDamageMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier of damage dealt to this block by tanks. Does not apply to crawlers.
timers int 1 Max of timers used.
cacheLayer CacheLayer normal Cache layer. Only used for 'cached' rendering.
fillsTile boolean true Special flag; if false, floor will be drawn under this block even if it is cached.
forceDark boolean false If true, this block can be covered by darkness / fog even if synthetic.
alwaysReplace boolean false whether this block can be replaced in all cases
replaceable boolean true if false, this block can never be replaced.
group BlockGroup none The block group. Unless {@link #canReplace} is overridden, blocks in the same group can replace each other.
flags EnumSet<BlockFlag> [] List of block flags. Used for AI indexing.
priority float 0.0 Targeting priority of this block, as seen by enemies.
unitCapModifier int 0 How much this block affects the unit cap by.
The block flags must contain unitModifier in order for this to work.
configurable boolean false Whether the block can be tapped and selected to configure.
commandable boolean false If true, this building can be selected like a unit when commanding.
allowConfigInventory boolean true If true, the building inventory can be shown with the config.
selectionRows int 5 Defines how large selection menus, such as that of sorters, should be.
selectionColumns int 4 Defines how large selection menus, such as that of sorters, should be.
logicConfigurable boolean false If true, this block can be configured by logic.
consumesTap boolean false Whether this block consumes touchDown events when tapped.
drawLiquidLight boolean true Whether to draw the glow of the liquid for this block, if it has one.
envRequired int 0 Environmental flags that are *all* required for this block to function. 0 = any environment
envEnabled int 1 The environment flags that this block can function in. If the env matches any of these, it will be enabled.
envDisabled int 0 The environment flags that this block *cannot* function in. If the env matches any of these, it will be *disabled*.
sync boolean false Whether to periodically sync this block across the network.
conveyorPlacement boolean false Whether this block uses conveyor-type placement mode.
allowDiagonal boolean true If false, diagonal placement (ctrl) for this block is not allowed.
swapDiagonalPlacement boolean false Whether to swap the diagonal placement modes.
schematicPriority int 0 Build queue priority in schematics.
mapColor Color 000000ff The color of this block when displayed on the minimap or map preview.
Do not set manually! This is overridden when loading for most blocks.
hasColor boolean false Whether this block has a minimap color.
targetable boolean true Whether units target this block.
attacks boolean false If true, this block attacks and is considered a turret in the indexer. Building must implement Ranged.
suppressable boolean false If true, this block is mending-related and can be suppressed with special units/missiles.
canOverdrive boolean true Whether the overdrive core has any effect on this block.
outlineColor Color 404049ff Outlined icon color.
outlineIcon boolean false Whether any icon region has an outline added.
outlineRadius int 4 Outline icon radius.
outlinedIcon int -1 Which of the icon regions gets the outline added. Uses last icon if <= 0.
hasShadow boolean true Whether this block has a shadow under it.
customShadow boolean false If true, a custom shadow (name-shadow) is drawn under this block.
placePitchChange boolean true Should the sound made when this block is built change in pitch.
breakPitchChange boolean true Should the sound made when this block is deconstructed change in pitch.
placeSound Sound place Sound made when this block is built.
breakSound Sound breaks Sound made when this block is deconstructed.
destroySound Sound boom Sounds made when this block is destroyed.
albedo float 0.0 How reflective this block is.
lightColor Color ffffffff Environmental passive light color.
emitLight boolean false Whether this environmental block passively emits light.
Does not change behavior for non-environmental blocks, but still updates clipSize.
lightRadius float 60.0 Radius of the light emitted by this block.
fogRadius int -1 How much fog this block uncovers, in tiles. Cannot be dynamic. <= 0 to disable.
loopSound Sound none The sound that this block makes while active. One sound loop. Do not overuse.
loopSoundVolume float 0.5 Active sound base volume.
ambientSound Sound none The sound that this block makes while idle. Uses one sound loop for all blocks.
ambientSoundVolume float 0.05 Idle sound base volume.
requirements ItemStack[] [] Cost of constructing this block.
category Category distribution Category in place menu.
buildCost float 20.0 Time to build this block in ticks; do not modify directly!
buildCostMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier for speed of building this block.
deconstructThreshold float 0.0 Build completion at which deconstruction finishes.
instantDeconstruct boolean false If true, this block deconstructs immediately. Instant deconstruction implies no resource refund.
placeEffect Effect placeBlock Effect for placing the block. Passes size as rotation.
breakEffect Effect breakBlock Effect for breaking the block. Passes size as rotation.
destroyEffect Effect dynamicExplosion Effect for destroying the block.
researchCostMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier for cost of research in tech tree.
researchCost ItemStack[] Override for research cost. Uses multipliers above and building requirements if not set.
instantTransfer boolean false Whether this block has instant transfer.
quickRotate boolean true Whether you can rotate this block after it is placed.
selectScroll float 0.0 Scroll position for certain blocks.
itemFilter boolean[] [] Consumption filters.
liquidFilter boolean[] [] Consumption filters.
hasConsumers boolean false Set to true if this block has any consumers in its array.
regionRotated1 int -1 Regions indexes from icons() that are rotated. If either of these is not -1, other regions won't be rotated in ConstructBlocks.
regionRotated2 int -1 Regions indexes from icons() that are rotated. If either of these is not -1, other regions won't be rotated in ConstructBlocks.


继承自 Block
A block in the process of construction.


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
launching Block coreNucleus
capacities int[] []


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
launchTime float 1.0 Time inbetween launches.
launchSound Sound none
lightColor Color eab678ff


继承自 Wall

名称 类型 默认值 注释
checkInterval float 20.0
openfx Effect dooropen
closefx Effect doorclose
doorSound Sound door
triggerMargin float 12.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
radius float 200.0
sides int 24


继承自 BaseTurret

名称 类型 默认值 注释
targetInterval int 15
buildSpeed float 1.0
buildBeamOffset float 5.0
unitType UnitType
elevation float -1.0
heatColor Color ffd37fe5


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
width float 30.0
shieldHealth float 3000.0
cooldownNormal float 1.75
cooldownLiquid float 1.5
cooldownBrokenBase float 0.35
absorbEffect Effect absorb
shieldBreakEffect Effect shieldBreak
length float 40.0
padSize float 40.0


继承自 Wall

名称 类型 默认值 注释
openfx Effect dooropen
closefx Effect doorclose
doorSound Sound door


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
phaseUseTime float 350.0
phaseRadiusBoost float 80.0
phaseShieldBoost float 400.0
radius float 101.7
sides int 6
shieldRotation float 0.0
shieldHealth float 700.0
cooldownNormal float 1.75
cooldownLiquid float 1.5
cooldownBrokenBase float 0.35
coolantConsumption float 0.1
consumeCoolant boolean true
absorbEffect Effect absorb
shieldBreakEffect Effect shieldBreak


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
baseColor Color 84f491ff
phaseColor Color 84f491ff
reload float 250.0
range float 60.0
healPercent float 12.0
phaseBoost float 12.0
phaseRangeBoost float 50.0
useTime float 400.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
reload float 60.0
range float 80.0
speedBoost float 1.5
speedBoostPhase float 0.75
useTime float 400.0
phaseRangeBoost float 20.0
hasBoost boolean true
baseColor Color feb380ff
phaseColor Color ffd59eff


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
discoveryTime float 600.0
rotateSpeed float 2.0
glowColor Color ab3400ff
glowScl float 5.0
glowMag float 0.6


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
range int 14
healPercent float 0.2
optionalMultiplier float 2.0
optionalUseTime float 480.0
drawer DrawBlock new DrawDefault()
effectChance float 0.003
baseColor Color ffd37fff
effect Effect regenParticle


继承自 Wall

名称 类型 默认值 注释
shieldHealth float 900.0
breakCooldown float 600.0
regenSpeed float 2.0
glowColor Color ff75317f
glowMag float 0.6
glowScl float 8.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
cooldown float 80.0
tileDamage float 5.0
damage float 13.0
length int 10
tendrils int 6
lightningColor Color a9d8ffff
shots int 6
inaccuracy float 0.0
bullet BulletType
teamAlpha float 0.3


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
timerCheck int 1
range float 110.0
reload float 90.0
bulletDamage float 160.0
falloffCount float 20.0
shake float 2.0
checkInterval float 8.0
shootSound Sound bang
waveColor Color ffd37fff
heatColor Color ab3400ff
shapeColor Color f29c83ff
cooldownMultiplier float 1.0
hitEffect Effect hitSquaresColor
waveEffect Effect pointShockwave
shapeRotateSpeed float 1.0
shapeRadius float 6.0
shapeSides int 4


继承自 Wall


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
lightningChance float -1.0 Lighting chance. -1 to disable
lightningDamage float 20.0
lightningLength int 17
lightningColor Color f3e979ff
lightningSound Sound spark
chanceDeflect float -1.0 Bullet deflection chance. -1 to disable
flashHit boolean false
flashColor Color ffffffff
deflectSound Sound none


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
range float 80.0
placeOverlapMargin float 56.0
rotateSpeed float 5.0
fogRadiusMultiplier float 1.0
coolEffect Effect fuelburn Effect displayed when coolant is used.
coolantMultiplier float 5.0 How much reload is lowered by for each unit of liquid of heat capacity.


继承自 ContinuousTurret

名称 类型 默认值 注释
liquidConsumed float 0.016666668


继承自 Turret
A turret that fires a continuous beam bullet with no reload or coolant necessary. The bullet only disappears when the turret stops shooting.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
shootType BulletType placeholder
aimChangeSpeed float Infinity Speed at which the turret can change its bullet "aim" distance. This is only used for point laser bullets.


继承自 Turret


继承自 PowerTurret
A turret that fires a continuous beam with a delay between shots. Liquid coolant is required. Yes, this class name is awful.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
firingMoveFract float 0.25
shootDuration float 100.0


继承自 Turret

名称 类型 默认值 注释
extinguish boolean true


继承自 Turret
Do not use this class!


继承自 ReloadTurret

名称 类型 默认值 注释
retargetTime float 5.0
color Color ffffffff
beamEffect Effect pointBeam
hitEffect Effect pointHit
shootEffect Effect sparkShoot
shootSound Sound lasershoot
shootCone float 5.0
bulletDamage float 10.0
shootLength float 3.0


继承自 Turret

名称 类型 默认值 注释
shootType BulletType


继承自 BaseTurret

名称 类型 默认值 注释
reload float 10.0


继承自 BaseTurret

名称 类型 默认值 注释
retargetTime float 5.0
shootCone float 6.0
shootLength float 5.0
laserWidth float 0.6
force float 0.3
scaledForce float 0.0
damage float 0.0
targetAir boolean true
targetGround boolean false
laserColor Color ffffffff
statusDuration float 300.0
shootSound Sound tractorbeam
shootSoundVolume float 0.9


继承自 ReloadTurret

名称 类型 默认值 注释
targetInterval float 20.0 Ticks between attempt at finding a target.
maxAmmo int 30 Maximum ammo units stored.
ammoPerShot int 1 Ammo units used per shot.
consumeAmmoOnce boolean true If true, ammo is only consumed once per shot regardless of bullet count.
heatRequirement float -1.0 Minimum input heat required to fire.
maxHeatEfficiency float 3.0 Maximum efficiency possible, if this turret uses heat.
inaccuracy float 0.0 Bullet angle randomness in degrees.
velocityRnd float 0.0 Fraction of bullet velocity that is random.
shootCone float 8.0 Maximum angle difference in degrees at which turret will still try to shoot.
shootX float 0.0 Turret shoot point.
shootY float -Infinity Turret shoot point.
xRand float 0.0 Random spread on the X axis.
minRange float 0.0 Minimum bullet range. Used for artillery only.
minWarmup float 0.0 Minimum warmup needed to fire.
accurateDelay boolean true If true, this turret will accurately target moving targets with respect to charge time.
moveWhileCharging boolean true If false, this turret can't move while charging.
warmupMaintainTime float 0.0 How long warmup is maintained even if this turret isn't shooting.
shoot ShootPattern new ShootPattern() pattern used for bullets
targetAir boolean true If true, this block targets air units.
targetGround boolean true If true, this block targets ground units and structures.
targetHealing boolean false If true, this block targets friend blocks, to heal them.
playerControllable boolean true If true, this turret can be controlled by players.
displayAmmoMultiplier boolean true If true, this block will display ammo multipliers in its stats (irrelevant for certain types of turrets).
targetUnderBlocks boolean true If false, 'under' blocks like conveyors are not targeted.
alwaysShooting boolean false If true, the turret will always shoot when it has ammo, regardless of targets in range or any control.
predictTarget boolean true Whether this turret predicts unit movement.
unitSort Sortf closest Function for choosing which unit to target.
heatColor Color ab3400ff Color of heat region drawn on top (if found)
shootEffect Effect Optional override for all shoot effects.
smokeEffect Effect Optional override for all smoke effects.
ammoUseEffect Effect none Effect created when ammo is used. Not optional.
shootSound Sound shoot Sound emitted when a single bullet is shot.
chargeSound Sound none Sound emitted when shoot.firstShotDelay is >0 and shooting begins.
soundPitchMin float 0.9 Range for pitch of shoot sound.
soundPitchMax float 1.1 Range for pitch of shoot sound.
ammoEjectBack float 1.0 Backwards Y offset of ammo eject effect.
shootWarmupSpeed float 0.1 Lerp speed of turret warmup.
linearWarmup boolean false If true, turret warmup is linear instead of a curve.
recoil float 1.0 Visual amount by which the turret recoils back per shot.
recoils int -1 Number of additional counters for recoil.
recoilTime float -1.0 ticks taken for turret to return to starting position in ticks. uses reload time by default
recoilPow float 1.8 power curve applied to visual recoil
cooldownTime float 20.0 ticks to cool down the heat region
elevation float -1.0 Visual elevation of turret shadow, -1 to use defaults.
shake float 0.0 How much the screen shakes per shot.
drawer DrawBlock new DrawTurret() Defines drawing behavior for this turret.


继承自 Conveyor


继承自 ItemBridge

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 40.0
bufferCapacity int 50


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 0.0
displayedSpeed float 0.0
junctionReplacement Block
bridgeReplacement Block


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
range int 4


继承自 DirectionBridge

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 5.0
liquidPadding float 1.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 1.0
allowCoreUnload boolean false


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 5.0
armored boolean false
transparentColor Color 66666619
bridgeReplacement Block


继承自 DirectionBridge

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 5.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 5.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
range int 0
transportTime float 2.0
fadeIn boolean true
moveArrows boolean true
pulse boolean false
arrowSpacing float 4.0
arrowOffset float 2.0
arrowPeriod float 0.4
arrowTimeScl float 6.2
bridgeWidth float 6.5


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 26.0
capacity int 6


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
range float 0.0
rotateSpeed float 5.0
translation float 7.0
minDistribute int 10
knockback float 4.0
reload float 100.0
bulletSpeed float 5.5
bulletLifetime float 200.0
shootEffect Effect shootBig2
smokeEffect Effect shootBigSmoke2
receiveEffect Effect mineBig
shootSound Sound shootBig
shake float 3.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 5.0
invert boolean false


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 1.0
invert boolean false


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 8.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
invert boolean false


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
glowAlpha float 1.0
glowColor Color feb380ff
baseEfficiency float 0.0
speed float 0.0
outputRouter boolean true
recharge float 2.0 (minimum) amount of loading docks needed to fill a line.
loadEffect Effect conveyorPoof
unloadEffect Effect conveyorPoof


继承自 DuctRouter

名称 类型 默认值 注释
baseEfficiency float 0.0
glowAlpha float 1.0
glowColor Color feb380ff


继承自 Floor


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
size float 11.0


继承自 Floor
Empty floor is *not* equivalent to air. Unlike air, it is solid, and still draws neighboring tile edges.


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
edge String "stone" edge fallback, used mainly for ores
speedMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplies unit velocity by this when walked on.
dragMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplies unit drag by this when walked on.
damageTaken float 0.0 Damage taken per tick on this tile.
drownTime float 0.0 How many ticks it takes to drown on this. 0 to disable.
walkEffect Effect none Effect when walking on this floor.
walkSound Sound none Sound made when walking.
walkSoundVolume float 0.1 Volume of sound made when walking.
walkSoundPitchMin float 0.8 Volume of sound made when walking.
walkSoundPitchMax float 1.2 Volume of sound made when walking.
drownUpdateEffect Effect bubble Effect displayed when drowning on this floor.
statusDuration float 60.0 Intensity of applied status effect.
liquidDrop Liquid null liquids that drop from this block, used for pumps.
liquidMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier for pumped liquids, used for deep water.
isLiquid boolean false whether this block is liquid.
overlayAlpha float 0.65 for liquid floors, this is the opacity of the overlay drawn on top.
supportsOverlay boolean false whether this floor supports an overlay floor
shallow boolean false shallow water flag used for generation
blendGroup Block this Group of blocks that this block does not draw edges on.
oreDefault boolean false Whether this ore generates in maps by default.
oreScale float 24.0 Ore generation params.
oreThreshold float 0.828 Ore generation params.
wall Block air Wall variant of this block. May be Blocks.air if not found.
decoration Block air Decoration block. Usually a rock. May be air.
canShadow boolean true Whether units can draw shadows over this.
needsSurface boolean true Whether this overlay needs a surface to be on. False for floating blocks, like spawns.
allowCorePlacement boolean false If true, cores can be placed on this floor.
wallOre boolean false If true, this ore is allowed on walls.
blendId int -1 Actual ID used for blend groups. Internal.


继承自 OverlayFloor
An overlay ore for a specific item type.


继承自 Floor
A type of floor that is overlaid on top of other floors.


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
layer float 32.0


继承自 Prop

名称 类型 默认值 注释
lobesMin int 7
lobesMax int 7
botAngle float 60.0
origin float 0.1
sclMin float 30.0
sclMax float 50.0
magMin float 5.0
magMax float 15.0
timeRange float 40.0
spread float 0.0


继承自 Prop


继承自 Floor
Blends water together with a standard floor. No new mechanics.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
liquidBase Floor
floorBase Floor
liquidOpacity float 0.35


继承自 OverlayFloor


继承自 StaticWall


继承自 Prop


继承自 Floor

名称 类型 默认值 注释
parent Block air
effect Effect ventSteam
effectColor Color 6b4e4eff
effectSpacing float 15.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
shadowOffset float -3.0
layer float 71.0
rotationRand float 20.0
shadowAlpha float 0.6


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
shadowOffset float -4.0


继承自 Prop

名称 类型 默认值 注释
wscl float 25.0
wmag float 0.4
wtscl float 1.0
wmag2 float 1.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
visualMaxHeat float 15.0
drawer DrawBlock new DrawDefault()
splitHeat boolean false


继承自 GenericCrafter

名称 类型 默认值 注释
heatOutput float 10.0
warmupRate float 0.15


继承自 Block
Any subclass of this will be removed upon world load.


继承自 LegacyBlock


继承自 LegacyBlock


继承自 LegacyBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
replacement Block air


继承自 Conduit


继承自 LiquidBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
botColor Color 565656ff
padCorners boolean true If true, the liquid region is padded at corners, so it doesn't stick out.
leaks boolean true
junctionReplacement Block
bridgeReplacement Block
rotBridgeReplacement Block


继承自 Block


继承自 ItemBridge


继承自 LiquidBlock


继承自 LiquidBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
liquidPadding float 0.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
padding float 0.0
canvasSize int 8
palette int[] { 0x362944_ff, 0xc45d9f_ff, 0xe39aac_ff, 0xf0dab1_ff, 0x6461c2_ff, 0x2ba9b4_ff, 0x93d4b5_ff, 0xf0f6e8_ff }
bitsPerPixel int 0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
maxInstructionScale int 5
instructionsPerTick int 1
maxInstructionsPerTick int 40
range float 80.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
maxSides int 25
displaySize int 64
scaleFactor float 1.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
memoryCapacity int 32


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
maxTextLength int 220
maxNewlines int 24


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
clickSound Sound click


继承自 PayloadBlock
Generic building that produces other buildings.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
buildSpeed float 4


继承自 BlockProducer
Configurable BlockProducer variant.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
filter Seq<Block> [] Empty seq for no filter.
minBlockSize int 1
maxBlockSize int 2


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
payloadSpeed float 0.7
payloadRotateSpeed float 5.0
regionSuffix String ""


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
moveTime float 45.0
moveForce float 201.0
interp Interp Interp.pow5
payloadLimit float 3.0


继承自 PayloadBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
maxPayloadSize float 4.0
deconstructSpeed float 2.5
dumpRate int 4


继承自 PayloadBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
loadTime float 2.0
itemsLoaded int 8
liquidsLoaded float 40.0
maxBlockSize int 3
maxPowerConsumption float 40.0
loadPowerDynamic boolean true


继承自 PayloadBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
range float 100.0
rotateSpeed float 2.0
length float 11.125
knockback float 5.0
reload float 30.0
chargeTime float 100.0
maxPayloadSize float 3.0
grabWidth float 8.0
grabHeight float 2.75
shootEffect Effect shootBig2
smokeEffect Effect shootPayloadDriver
receiveEffect Effect payloadReceive
shootSound Sound shootBig
shake float 3.0


继承自 PayloadConveyor

名称 类型 默认值 注释
invert boolean false


继承自 PayloadBlock
Generic building that produces other buildings.


继承自 PayloadLoader

名称 类型 默认值 注释
offloadSpeed int 4
maxPowerUnload float 80.0


继承自 PayloadBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
incinerateEffect Effect blastExplosion
incinerateSound Sound bang


继承自 PowerDistributor

名称 类型 默认值 注释
drawer DrawBlock
emptyLightColor Color f8c266ff
fullLightColor Color fb9567ff


继承自 PowerBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
range int 5
laserColor1 Color ffffffff
laserColor2 Color ffd9c2ff
pulseScl float 7.0
pulseMag float 0.05
laserWidth float 0.4


继承自 PowerGenerator
A generator that just takes in certain items or liquids.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
itemDuration float 120.0 The time in number of ticks during which a single item will produce power.
warmupSpeed float 0.05
effectChance float 0.01
generateEffect Effect none
consumeEffect Effect none
generateEffectRange float 3.0
outputLiquid LiquidStack
explodeOnFull boolean false If true, this block explodes when outputLiquid exceeds capacity.


继承自 ConsumeGenerator

名称 类型 默认值 注释
heatOutput float 10.0
warmupRate float 0.15


继承自 PowerGenerator

名称 类型 默认值 注释
warmupSpeed float 0.001
itemDuration float 60.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
brightness float 0.9
radius float 200.0


继承自 PowerNode

名称 类型 默认值 注释
glowColor Color cbfd8172
glowScl float 16.0
glowMag float 0.6


继承自 PowerGenerator

名称 类型 默认值 注释
lightColor Color 7f19eaff
coolColor Color ffffff00
hotColor Color ff9575a3
itemDuration float 120.0 ticks to consume 1 fuel
heating float 0.01 heating per frame * fullness
smokeThreshold float 0.3 threshold at which block starts smoking
flashThreshold float 0.46 heat threshold at which lights start flashing
coolantPower float 0.5 heat removed per unit of coolant
fuelItem Item thorium


继承自 Block


继承自 Block


继承自 PowerBlock


继承自 PowerDistributor

名称 类型 默认值 注释
powerProduction float 0.0 The amount of power produced per tick in case of an efficiency of 1.0, which represents 100%.
drawer DrawBlock new DrawDefault()
explosionRadius int 12
explosionDamage int 0
explodeEffect Effect none
explodeSound Sound none
explosionPuddles int 10
explosionPuddleRange float 16.0
explosionPuddleAmount float 100.0
explosionPuddleLiquid Liquid
explosionMinWarmup float 0.0
explosionShake float 0.0
explosionShakeDuration float 6.0


继承自 PowerBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
laserRange float 6.0
maxNodes int 3
autolink boolean true
drawRange boolean true
laserScale float 0.25
laserColor1 Color ffffffff
laserColor2 Color fbd367ff


继承自 PowerGenerator


继承自 PowerGenerator

名称 类型 默认值 注释
generateEffect Effect none
effectChance float 0.05
minEfficiency float 0.0
displayEfficiencyScale float 1.0
displayEfficiency boolean true
outputLiquid LiquidStack
attribute Attribute heat


继承自 PowerGenerator

名称 类型 默认值 注释
maxHeat float 100.0
unstableSpeed float 0.0055555557 How quickly instability moves towards 1, per frame.
warmupSpeed float 0.1
effect Effect fluxVapor
effectChance float 0.05
effectColor Color ffdf9dff
flashThreshold float 0.01
flashAlpha float 0.4
flashSpeed float 7.0
flashColor1 Color ff0000ff
flashColor2 Color 89e8b6ff


继承自 GenericCrafter
A crafter that gains efficiency from attribute tiles.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
attribute Attribute heat
baseEfficiency float 1.0
boostScale float 1.0
maxBoost float 1.0
minEfficiency float -1.0
displayEfficiencyScale float 1.0
displayEfficiency boolean true
scaleLiquidConsumption boolean false


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
drillTime float 200.0
range int 5
tier int 1
laserWidth float 0.65
optionalBoostIntensity float 2.5 How many times faster the drill will progress when boosted by an optional consumer.
sparkColor Color fd9e81ff
glowColor Color ffffffff
glowIntensity float 0.2
pulseIntensity float 0.07
glowScl float 3.0
sparks int 7
sparkRange float 10.0
sparkLife float 27.0
sparkRecurrence float 4.0
sparkSpread float 45.0
sparkSize float 3.5
boostHeatColor Color 75b3ccff
heatColor Color ff5959e5
heatPulse float 0.3
heatPulseScl float 7.0


继承自 Drill

名称 类型 默认值 注释
shake float 2.0
speedCurve Interp Interp.pow2In
invertedTime float 200.0
arrowSpacing float 4.0
arrowOffset float 0.0
arrows int 3
arrowColor Color feb380ff
baseArrowColor Color 6e7080ff
glowColor Color feb380ff
drillSound Sound drillImpact
drillSoundVolume float 0.6
drillSoundPitchRand float 0.1


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
hardnessDrillMultiplier float 50.0
tier int 0 Maximum tier of blocks this drill can mine.
drillTime float 300.0 Base time to drill one ore, in frames.
liquidBoostIntensity float 1.6 How many times faster the drill will progress when boosted by liquid.
warmupSpeed float 0.015 Speed at which the drill speeds up.
blockedItem Item Special exemption item that this drill can't mine.
drawMineItem boolean true Whether to draw the item this drill is mining.
drillEffect Effect mine Effect played when an item is produced. This is colored.
drillEffectRnd float -1.0 Drill effect randomness. Block size by default.
drillEffectChance float 1.0 Chance of displaying the effect. Useful for extremely fast drills.
rotateSpeed float 2.0 Speed the drill bit rotates at.
updateEffect Effect pulverizeSmall Effect randomly played while drilling.
updateEffectChance float 0.02 Chance the update effect will appear.
drawRim boolean false
drawSpinSprite boolean true
heatColor Color ff5512ff


继承自 SolidPump

名称 类型 默认值 注释
itemUseTime float 100.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
outputItem ItemStack Written to outputItems as a single-element array if outputItems is null.
outputItems ItemStack[] Overwrites outputItem if not null.
outputLiquid LiquidStack Written to outputLiquids as a single-element array if outputLiquids is null.
outputLiquids LiquidStack[] Overwrites outputLiquid if not null.
liquidOutputDirections int[] { -1 } Liquid output directions, specified in the same order as outputLiquids. Use -1 to dump in every direction. Rotations are relative to block.
dumpExtraLiquid boolean true if true, crafters with multiple liquid outputs will dump excess when there's still space for at least one liquid type
ignoreLiquidFullness boolean false
craftTime float 80.0
craftEffect Effect none
updateEffect Effect none
updateEffectChance float 0.04
warmupSpeed float 0.019
legacyReadWarmup boolean false Only used for legacy cultivator blocks.
drawer DrawBlock new DrawDefault()


继承自 GenericCrafter
A crafter that requires contact from heater blocks to craft.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
heatRequirement float 10.0 Base heat requirement for 100% efficiency.
overheatScale float 1.0 After heat meets this requirement, excess heat will be scaled by this number.
maxEfficiency float 4.0 Maximum possible efficiency after overheat.


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
effect Effect fuelburn
flameColor Color ffad9dff


继承自 Block
Incinerator that accepts only items and optionally requires a liquid, e.g. slag.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
effect Effect incinerateSlag
effectChance float 0.2


继承自 LiquidBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
pumpAmount float 0.2 Pump amount per tile.
consumeTime float 300.0 Interval in-between item consumptions, if applicable.
warmupSpeed float 0.019
drawer DrawBlock new DrawMulti(new DrawDefault(), new DrawPumpLiquid())


继承自 Block
Extracts a random list of items from an input item and an input liquid.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
results ItemStack[]
craftTime float 0.0
drawer DrawBlock new DrawDefault()


继承自 BlockProducer

名称 类型 默认值 注释
result Block router


继承自 Pump
Pump that makes liquid from solids and takes in power. Only works on solid floor blocks.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
result Liquid water
updateEffect Effect none
updateEffectChance float 0.02
rotateSpeed float 1.0
baseEfficiency float 1.0
attribute Attribute Attribute that is checked when calculating output.


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
drillTime float 150.0 Time to produce one item at 100% efficiency.
updateEffect Effect mineWallSmall Effect randomly played while drilling.
updateEffectChance float 0.02
rotateSpeed float 2.0
attribute Attribute sand Attribute to check for wall output.
output Item sand


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
itemsPerSecond int 100


继承自 Block


继承自 Block


继承自 Block


继承自 PowerNode

名称 类型 默认值 注释
powerProduction float 10000.0


继承自 PowerBlock


继承自 StorageBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
thrusterLength float 3.5
isFirstTier boolean false
incinerateNonBuildable boolean false
unitType UnitType alpha
captureInvicibility float 900.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
coreMerge boolean true


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
speed float 1.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
unitsSpawned int 4
droneType UnitType
droneConstructTime float 180.0
statusDuration float 120.0
droneRange float 50.0


继承自 UnitBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
constructTime float 120.0
upgrades Seq<UnitType[]> []
capacities int[] []


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
range float 80.0
circleColor Color 98ffa9ff
glowColor Color 98ffa97f
circleSpeed float 120.0
circleStroke float 3.0
squareRad float 3.0
squareSpinScl float 0.8
glowMag float 0.5
glowScl float 8.0
healAmount float 1.0


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
timerTarget int 1
timerEffect int 2
repairRadius float 50.0
repairSpeed float 0.3
powerUse float 0.0
length float 5.0
beamWidth float 1.0
pulseRadius float 6.0
pulseStroke float 2.0
acceptCoolant boolean false
coolantUse float 0.5
coolEffect Effect fuelburn Effect displayed when coolant is used.
coolantMultiplier float 1.0 How much healing is increased by with heat capacity.
laserColor Color 98ffa9ff
laserTopColor Color ffffffff


继承自 PayloadBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
areaSize int 11
droneType UnitType assemblyDrone
dronesCreated int 4
droneConstructTime float 240.0
plans Seq<AssemblerUnitPlan> []


继承自 PayloadBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
tier int 1


继承自 PayloadBlock


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
unitType UnitType manifold
buildTime float 480.0
polyStroke float 1.8
polyRadius float 8.0
polySides int 6
polyRotateSpeed float 1.0
polyColor Color ffd37fff


继承自 Block

名称 类型 默认值 注释
staleTimeDuration float 360.0 If a block is full for this amount of time, it will not be flown to anymore.


继承自 UnitBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
capacities int[] []
plans Seq<UnitPlan> []


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
flameColor Color f58349ff
midColor Color f2d585ff
flameRad float 1.0
circleSpace float 2.0
flameRadiusScl float 3.0
flameRadiusMag float 0.3
circleStroke float 1.5
alpha float 0.68
particles int 25
particleLife float 40.0
particleRad float 7.0
particleStroke float 1.1
particleLen float 3.0
drawCenter boolean true
blending Blending additive


继承自 Object
An implementation of custom rendering behavior for a crafter block.
This is used mostly for mods.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
iconOverride String[] null If set, the icon is overridden to be these strings, in order. Each string is a suffix.


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
suffix String ""
rotateSpeed float 1.0
x float 0.0
y float 0.0
blurThresh float 0.7


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color 7457ceff
amount int 12
sides int 8
strokeMin float 0.2
spread float 3.0
timeScl float 30.0
recurrence float 6.0
radius float 3.0
fill boolean false


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color ffffffff
particleColorFrom Color 000000ff
particleColorTo Color 000000ff
particles int 12
range float 4.0
recurrence float 2.0
radius float 1.8
lifetime float 180.0


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color 7457ceff
amount int 5
sides int 15
strokeMin float 0.2
strokeMax float 2.0
timeScl float 160.0
radius float 12.0
radiusOffset float 0.0
x float 0.0
y float 0.0
strokeInterp Interp Interp.pow3In


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
flameColor Color f58349ff
midColor Color f2d585ff
flameRad float 1.0
circleSpace float 2.0
flameRadiusScl float 10.0
flameRadiusMag float 0.6
circleStroke float 1.5
alpha float 0.5
particles int 30
particleLife float 70.0
particleRad float 7.0
particleSize float 3.0
fadeMargin float 0.4
rotateScl float 1.5
particleInterp Interp new PowIn(1.5f)


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
plantColor Color 5541b1ff
plantColorLight Color 7457ceff
bottomColor Color 474747ff
bubbles int 12
sides int 8
strokeMin float 0.2
spread float 3.0
timeScl float 70.0
recurrence float 6.0
radius float 3.0


继承自 DrawBlock


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
suffix String "-top"
alpha float 0.6
scale float 3.0


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
flameColor Color ffc999ff
lightRadius float 60.0
lightAlpha float 0.65
lightSinScl float 10.0
lightSinMag float 5.0
flameRadius float 3.0
flameRadiusIn float 1.9
flameRadiusScl float 5.0
flameRadiusMag float 2.0
flameRadiusInMag float 1.0


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
frames int 3 Number of frames to draw.
interval float 5.0 Ticks between frames.
sine boolean true If true, frames wil alternate back and forth in a sine wave.


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
blending Blending additive
suffix String "-glow"
alpha float 0.9
glowScale float 10.0
glowIntensity float 0.5
rotateSpeed float 0.0
layer float 31.0
rotate boolean false
color Color ff0000ff


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
suffix String "-heat"
heatColor Color ff3838cc
heatPulse float 0.3
heatPulseScl float 10.0


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
heatColor Color ff3838cc
heatPulse float 0.3
heatPulseScl float 10.0
glowMult float 1.2
rotOffset int 0
drawGlow boolean true


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color ff3838cc
pulse float 0.3
pulseScl float 10.0
layer float 31.0
suffix String "-glow"


继承自 DrawBlock
This must be used in conjunction with another DrawBlock; it only draws outputs.


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
drawLiquid Liquid
suffix String "-liquid"
alpha float 1.0


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
drawLiquid Liquid
padding float 0.0
padLeft float -1.0
padRight float -1.0
padTop float -1.0
padBottom float -1.0
alpha float 1.0


继承自 DrawBlock
combined several DrawBlocks into one

名称 类型 默认值 注释
drawers DrawBlock[] []


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
rotateSpeed float 1.0
rotateSpeed2 float -0.9
fadeWeave boolean false
glowColor Color ff6666cc
weaveColor Color ffffffff
pulse float 0.3
pulseScl float 10.0


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color f2d585ff
alpha float 0.5
particles int 30
particleLife float 70.0
particleRad float 7.0
particleSize float 3.0
fadeMargin float 0.4
rotateScl float 3.0
reverse boolean false
particleInterp Interp new PowIn(1.5f)
particleSizeInterp Interp Interp.slope
blending Blending normal


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
sinMag float 4.0
sinScl float 6.0
sinOffset float 50.0
sideOffset float 0.0
lenOffset float -1.0
horiOffset float 0.0
angleOffset float 0.0
sides int 4
suffix String "-piston"


继承自 DrawFlame

名称 类型 默认值 注释
suffix String "-plasma-"
plasmas int 4
plasma1 Color ffd06bff
plasma2 Color ff361bff


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
suffix String "-power"
drawPlan boolean true
mixcol boolean true If false, fades between emptyRegion and fullRegion instead of mixcol between empty and full colors.
emptyLightColor Color f8c266ff
fullLightColor Color fb9567ff
layer float -1.0 Any number <=0 disables layer changes.


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color ffd37fff
stroke float 2.0
timeScl float 100.0
minStroke float 0.2
radiusScl float 1.0
layer float -1.0
square boolean true


继承自 DrawBlock


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
suffix String ""
spinSprite boolean false
drawPlan boolean true
rotateSpeed float 0.0
x float 0.0
y float 0.0
rotation float 0.0
layer float -1.0 Any number <=0 disables layer changes.


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color ffd37fff
sides int 4
radius float 2.0
timeScl float 1.0
layer float -1.0
x float 0.0
y float 0.0
useWarmupRadius boolean false


继承自 DrawBlock


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color e3ae6fff
color2 Color d04d46ff
alpha float 0.5
particles int 30
particleLife float 70.0
particleRad float 7.0
particleSize float 3.0
fadeMargin float 0.4
rotateScl float 1.5
particleInterp Interp new PowIn(1.5f)


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
color Color 7457ceff
amount int 10
layers int 1
stroke float 2.0
rotateSpeed float 0.8
radius float 6.0
length float 4.0
x float 0.0
y float 0.0
layerSpeed float -1.0


继承自 DrawBlock
Extend to implement custom drawing behavior for a turret.

名称 类型 默认值 注释
parts Seq<DrawPart> []
basePrefix String "" Prefix to use when loading base region.
liquidDraw Liquid Overrides the liquid to draw in the liquid region.


继承自 DrawBlock

名称 类型 默认值 注释
sinMag float 0.6
sinScl float 8.0
color Color ff9b59ff


继承自 DrawBlock